Yes I believe in the supernatural.
Angels. People raised from the dead. Thousands fed with a small lunch. Prophetic dreams.
They’re incredible. Aren’t they? And what more should we expect from an All-Powerful God?
But what stuns me is that this supernatural God chooses to work in the natural.
You. Me. The church.
With all of the evil, injustice and corruption in the world, people ask, “Where is God? He could fix everything in one swift moment.”
Does this supernatural God just sit on his hands? Not quite. Rather, we as Christians make up the body of Christ. We are his hands and feet.
“Where is God?” they ask. To which the reply should be, “Where is the Church?” Where is the collection of believers of the supernatural God who can use their natural resources to relieve so much suffering in the world?
So what needs to change? I think our attitudes do. We ask God to answer our prayers, thinking he holds the answer. Maybe God wants us to understand that our hands are the answers to our own prayers.
Are we naturally supernatural or supernaturally natural?
Here are some ways you can be his hands and feet.
Compassion International
Wellsprings Living
TOMS Shoes
Lastly, TOMS shoes have some GREAT new shoes this month! Check them out.
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